Friday, January 2, 2009

You are such a Cream Puff

Today, is National Cream Puff Day (or so I have been told)
we will try to make our own, following this recipe

Cream Puffs
(makes 10 )
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 cup water
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup all purpose flour
4 large eggs
Pudding or whipped cream (for filling)
Preheat oven to 400 ° F.
To make the puffs, in a saucepan combine the butter, the 1 cup water and salt and bring mixture to a boil. Add all the flour and stir vigorously. Continue to cook and stir the mixture until it forms a ball which does not separate. Remove from heat source and allow to cool (aprox.10 minutes).
Using a wooden spoon,add the eggs one at a time and beat into the mixture until smooth.
Drop the batter by heaping tablespoons onto a buttered cookie sheet about 4 inches apart.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until color is golden. Cool on a wire rack.
Split the puffs by carefully slicing the tops off and remove any soft dough inside with a spoon. The puffs can be filled with whipped cream or the pudding of your choice. Then carefully replace the tops. Just before serving you can optionally dust the tops with powdered sugar or drizzle some chocolate syrup over them.

We will enjoy these with some tea to celebrate Cousin Bobbi and Sarah's Birthdays
even though Sarah's Birthday was Yesterday in her part of the world.
Sarah is younger than I, so I will not pick on her at all, but Cuz, when you read this..
You are so-o-o-o much older than I am today as always! ((BIG HUGS))


Gottfredsen said...

Those sound really yummy. I think I am going to have to try it. Maybe the boys can make it for one of their baking lessons.

Cher Mere said...

Oooh, I just had a really good cream puff the other day in Little Tokyo. I hope yours are really good.

sarah said...

Love ya, sister of the soul. Love the recipe too! I am going to save it for when I have an oven that I can use, and then bake a batch just to celebrate YOU.

sarah said...

Forgot to say, I love the black and white photo of Princess in your sidebar. It really offers a glimpse into the woman she's going to be.

Jennifer said...

How did they turn out?

Which filling did you use?

My BLP used to make these things she called popovers, which were so simple to make and very light and flaky. She didn't fill them. Her husband used to call them (snicker-snicker) "bunny farts."

(Her husband hails from NJ, and he's 110% Italian :-))

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Plato said...

Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore do not use compulsion, but let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to discover the child's natural bent .