Saturday, January 17, 2009

Green Up Saturdays

I get really bummed out when I open my e-mail
to find yet another plea for help from an organization
trying to defend our planet.
I could easily hit delete and drown myself in my cookie
jar filled with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies,
but instead...I try to act immediately.
You know, so I don't forget to do it.

Here's one more for you....
they sent me this about the
White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire.
Roadless areas..wild animals in will this impact the Warillevers?
What about all my other friends in the North East?
I can barely enjoy my coffee for the stress.
I ask you now to DO SOMETHING positive today
to make the world a better place. Call your representatives,
write a letter or e-mail, donate time or money to a cause you believe in.
Don't have one? I'll give you one of mine. ;-)


sarah said...

Don't stress! You'll give yourself heartburn, have to get pills, and there's another plastic bottle in circulation and eventually polluting the environment ;-)

I always remind myself that there are immediate ways to help, but there are gentle, long-term ways also. Like raising an evironmentally conscious child. Like feeding the birds in your garden over winter. Like voting mindfully (ugh, Sarah Palin!!) Like ensuring your coffee is sourced considerately. :-) I can't save everything, especially if I am pushed into responding without a careful plan. I also personally think it's healthier to ignore (or simply send a prayer for) organisations that send me unprovoked guilt-tripping and stress-inducing manipulative emails. Some organisations are really bad at it. Others are more positive and solution-based, and I prefer to work only with that energy.

I have bookmarked the link you provided. It looks wonderful. I will share it on my weblog too.

Anonymous said...

Well I did manage to finally take my own bags went I went grocery shopping at Trader Joe's today. Yay ME!
(Although I always bring my plastic back in for recycling)


Anonymous said...

I know that stress! But I know I don't do enough activism. I am very responsible in my life but I'm not doing much letter writing or even donating. I should make it a goal to make the time to do more. Thanks for helping realize this.

I like this Saturday series. I may join you soon in posting green ideas. If it's Tuesday, if it's Saturday..

Cher Mere said...

oh girl. I wish I could give your shoulders a good rub.

I love how much you care though. You, as always are inspiration. Truly.

Sara said...

I know how you feel - those emails can just really stress me out. But, deleting them and ignoring it all isn't the answer either.

I guess in the big picture our stress is nothing much compared to what others are going through, so it's a small thing to live with. :)

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Plato said...

Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore do not use compulsion, but let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to discover the child's natural bent .