Excited yet? Thanks to my friend Daphne,
I got turned on to another great contest.
This one is to win a free subscription to Kiwi Magazine
You can check them out here kiwimagonline.
To enter the contest, you will need to go here
Leave a comment about what you and your family are doing to "green up"
and if you blog, you can blog about it and leave a direct link and get another chance to win.
Friday March 28th 11:00 am PST she will post a winner (to be chosen randomly).
We have been doing a lot of "greening" around here for the past few years.
We practice the 3 Rs, Reduce-Reuse-Recycle,like religion.
Our light bulbs have been changing over to more energy efficient choices, we use a
low flow shower head and faucets.Even our toilet is a low flow pressure assisted model.
We garden organically, so we naturally compost and use water barrels. We also use our
"gray water" for watering plants inside and out as much as possible.We are also looking into
verniculture in a serious way.
We have been working to make our home more energy efficient every year we have owned it,
and although we are far from living "off grid", we are always trying to reduce our footprint.
We recently starting making a much stronger effort to not bring plastic or paper bags into
the house and use our many canvas bags instead.I have always washed and re-used our
plastic lunch bags and foil, but recently we ordered these to further eliminate our "lunch" waste.
The biggest green thing I have done is in raising my daughter to be "green", from nursing to just
plain teaching her by example that we make choices every day that affect the entire planet.
She loves her "mother planet earth" and practices her 3 Rs every day.
What are you doing?
Thanks for joining in!!!
Loving your blog - I'll be back. Looks like your Princess is a MAJOR crafty girl like my Chatty. She would be in awe of all the craft supplies you have. I am woefully not up to par on the craft thing; that's why she loves to go to Gramma's before she goes to visit her father - "because Gramma LOVES to do crafts and Momma, uh, doesn't". LOL
I enjoy reading about all the things you have done to be "green." i think it is great we can raise our children this way.
Love it Kate. I am trying to go green as well but I think it will take me awhile. I just read an article about composting and thought wow, what a great lady. Then I read your blog and wow Kate, P is lcuky. I feel I am learning everyday. I feel I will get there one day, but I am heading your way Kate. :)
Keep inspiring us.
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