Sunday, December 31, 2006


Princess is having a blast figuring out how
to play MOUSETRAP with Farmer Dad.
We just picked up a few games from a fellow
"freecycler" and were talking about how much
fun we had as children playing them.
Princess was delighted to play a game we had
played and enjoyed "so long ago".
We will be ringing in the New Year with lots
of board games and yummy snacks!
Happy New Year to you all!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Where we learn

Trying to decide what pics to take to show where we learn or at least store our "learning stuff" made me think about how we learn and how I organize what we use.
Our stuff is all over the house. Farmer Dad is pretty clear that we need to change this. I'm working on it...really I am. The cabinets shown here were given to me by my sister who is moving and didn't want to store them. She got them from freecycle.
I love freecycle! This corner of our kitchen is where our table and chairs would go if they had not been moved to the basement to make room for Princess and her kitchen
and table and chairs. It was worth it to me because she actually plays with it now!
I keep all the play food and dishes in a rolling cart with drawers next to the art cabinet.


I'm going to try to get some pics of our homeschooling areas up soon.
We use our "whole house" in fact our "whole world", so I will have to narrow it down a bit.LOL
Princess just opened the "moon sand" she received for Christmas and boy did she have fun! Just playing with the texture was cool.We may just break down and purchase the
"big set". Does anyone out there have it? I'd love to hear if it was worth it or not.
Princess has a new favorite book, "Pinkalicious" by Victoria Kann & Elizabeth Kann.

Monday, December 4, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The tree is up, the lights are up.
Farmer Dad was not very happy with having to
staple them to the house since the gutters are not done yet,
but the lights are on. Princess is happy.
Princess loves Christmas. The food,the gifts,the movies,
the books, the visits from relatives and friends.
The crafts (our latest - the antler headband made with her hand prints)
baking. Princess loves it all. Momma loves it in theory, but it is so much work.
I am not anywhere near done with my shopping and I am out of ideas.There is still much work to be done around the house.
I'm not sure how Christmas Eve will go this year, Grandpa has decided to
give up treating his cancer (which is spreading quickly) and go the Hospice route.
Should we carry on like planned? Trash it all and go there? We don't know how he'll
be for the holidays or if he'll be here.

Growing in the Garden State

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My homeschool buddies and I are all posting pics of our "home schools" as part of our idea sharing.

Plato said...

Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore do not use compulsion, but let early education be a sort of amusement; you will then be better able to discover the child's natural bent .