Here is some of what we have covered, or are planning to cover this week
in our homeschool.
Hershey's Chocolate Founded/National Bagel and Lox Day/William Henry Harrison b-day
Need a link for W.H.H.? try this
oneI forgot to have Farmer Dad buy bagels or lox, so we had some Hershey's chocolate kisses
and talked a bit about W.H.H.(#9. William Henry Harrison Born: February 9, 1773, Berkeley, Virginia.Died: April 4, 1841.Party: Whig.Age when inaugurated: 68.Term: 1841. Harrison delivered a marathon inaugural speech during which he caught a cold. He died a month later. Famous Fact: Harrison was the first President to die in office and he served the briefest term.), we also played some board games, baked some bread,
and read a stack or two of books. Princess played some totally noneducational games
on the computer (unless learning to accessorize counts) and colored some pictures.
She also helped me make a roast for dinner. Her mashed potato skills are wonderful!
Umbrella Day/School Day
More reading, Princess brought her matchbox type cars
out to the kitchen and created extensive parking lots and roads for them.
We talked about how we wanted our "school" to be and the book
Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!
Princess fell and hurt her knee, but was fine within half an hour.
Thomas Edison's B-Day/National Inventor's Day/Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
We will talk about Edison and inventing in general, but we have bird feeders to clean,
and so that just might take precedence here today. We will not stress over it because it is "Don't cry over spilled milk day"! ;-)Princess requested painting, so I will bring in her easel this morning.We need to work on valentines for the next two days events.
Abraham Lincoln's B-Day /Darwin Day
Thursday is both a homeschool day at our library,
and the homeschool play group day for us, but if Farmer Dad doesn't
stop off to get me a new battery for my truck on the way home from work,
we will not be able to do either.
Friday the 13Th
We will cover whatever we didn't the rest of the week, that we still want to,
and we have a play date/dinner at a friends house. (see above note on truck)
Valentine's Day/READ To Your Child Day
Princess has big goals for Saturday..they revolve around
getting donuts with Farmer Dad. It is always "Read to your child Day"
around here, but if for some reason you don't,
Just Do It! Tell them you have to..because of the holiday.;-)
I'll try to post pictures later..Blogger won't let me right this minute.